Would you recommend using a long number or a short code number in an advertisement?

Using a long number or short code number depends entirely on your own preference and on how you wish to engage with your potential customers through your marketing activities.

TextInbound long numbers are useful for campaigns that require a dedicated 11 digit mobile number to enable your organisation to receive inbound messages. For example, the long number can be placed on documentation, collateral and on the web for used consumer enquiries. 

TextPremium short code numbers tend to be a more popular option. Including a 5 digit short code number in your ad gives it a more snappy feel when it says “Text INFO to 81045 for more information”, rather than “Text INFO to 07700 000000 for more information”. And, texting in to a short code is very acceptable nowadays too. You will see a much better response rate to your Call-To-Action when using a short code number than using a long number.

Either of these services can be used within your marketing campaign as a means for the reader to text back and engage with you and your organisation.

For more information on TextInbound (SMS Long Numbers) and TextPremium (SMS Short Codes) services please visit the relevant product pages, or call our Customer Service team on 08451 221 302.

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