SMS templates for your back-to-school comms
From emergency communications to alerts, notifications and payment reminders. Kick start your back-to-school comms with our useful SMS templates.
August 7, 2023
From emergency communications to alerts, notifications and payment reminders. Kick start your back-to-school comms with our useful SMS templates.
August 7, 2023
August is the perfect time of year for retailers, schools, and student organisers to start interacting with parents and students. Come September, many young people will be ready to walk back through the doors of their educational institutions. If you are…
August 17, 2022
Given the coronavirus’s impact on the 2019-2020 academic year, robust, effective communication is going to be even more essential moving forward. As SMS benefits from unrivalled reach and speed, our post covers top education use cases to optimise communications for the 2020-2021 academic year.
August 19, 2020
What would happen if a threat emerged which effected students/teachers at your educational institute? How would you make sure you communicated with them in the fastest and most engaging way? Here's how a mobile messaging strategy can help.
April 3, 2020
How can parents best educate and entertain their children during this time? Home schooling may be a daunting prospect for parents and carers, but thankfully there is a growing list of support being made available and we've outlined a few of the tips and free educational resources we've found.
March 25, 2020
With the average primary school sending 4,000 text messages a year and secondary schools sending over 12,000 – text messaging is popular method of communication within the educational services industry. There are various ways that schools, colleges and higher education institutions…
March 22, 2016
With the new school year fast approaching an effective way for nurseries, schools or colleges to improve communication with parents is by implementing a Text Messaging Service. With busy lifestyles parents can struggle to find the time to read a letter…
August 25, 2015
Communication is key when you are running a school, college or University. It is important that you can distribute vital information to parents and students the moment it is necessary and often at short notice. Traditional methods of contact such as…
September 5, 2013
SMS services can be used by schools and colleges for a variety of reasons to help with day to day running and keeping students and techers informed – a few examples of where this would be useful include: Notification of unplanned…
June 21, 2012
There are many ways in which schools and colleges can utilise SMS marketing. It can, without doubt, make internal and external communications quicker and easier, and of course be far more environmentally friendly compared to sending out letters or leaflets. SMS…
May 21, 2012