According to a study by Ofcom, 92% of adults in the UK in 2012 own or use a mobile phone. The same company also found that 81.6 million mobile phone subscriptions existed in the UK alone as of 2011. These studies certainly demonstrate just how huge the potential reach is for mobile marketers and with the majority of adults having access to at least one mobile phone, this is a figure that isn’t going to wane anytime soon. It comes as no surprise therefore that many companies are eager to secure profits from these glowing statistics by engaging in mobile marketing of various kinds.
Another important study conducted in June 2012 by IAB and IHS screen digest highlighted that 536 million US dollars were spent on SMS marketing alone across the globe in 2011. The breakdown of this study and the global stats for other forms of mobile marketing are available from Mobithinking. This figure doesn’t include the amount also spent on direct and search marketing.
In such an unstable economic climate, as we are experiencing at the moment, companies would not be investing this sort of money into mobile marketing unless they were certain that they would receive some sort of profit from it. And as the demand for mobile phone handsets continues to climb dramatically year upon year, so will the opportunity for successful mobile marketing campaigns.
Now more than ever it is essential for businesses to take advantage of these figures and implement them into their main marketing strategy to ensure that they are gaining the best possible revenue overall. Don’t ignore the facts; get your business mobile ready today and start reaping the benefits of mobile marketing.
For more information on TextAnywhere and how we can help you with your next mobile marketing campaign, please browse the rest of our website or contact us on 0845 122 1302.