5 tips on how to achieve ROI with a simple SMS survey

24 November 2015

Using feedback gained from a Text Survey is fundamental in assisting businesses to measure satisfaction, identifying unhappy clients and finding new potential business. Surveys become an essential marketing tool by improving business goals and strengthening customer loyalty. Statistics reveal SMS has the highest open rates of 98% – with 70% of customers preferring businesses to contact them by text message. So communicating via SMS in this instance is not only crucial but beneficial to your organisation. With Text Survey, you can design surveys with either basic or complex customised questions, all with a comprehensive reporting system. Want to know more? – just click here for further information on the benefits of this service: Text Survey.

Take a look at our 5 valuable points below when creating your Text Survey: 

1. KISS (Keep It Short, Stupid!)

The time it takes to complete surveys is vital, customers don’t want to be lumbered with a long list of questions. According to research under 5 minutes is ideal and when asking further questions you are to likely lower the response rate in your surveys. Keep your customers interested by avoiding loaded questions and keeping them as simple as possible.

2. Only ask questions which fulfil your end goal

When creating your survey think about what is the overall goal you would like to achieve. Are there certain areas of the business you would like to improve? Have you made any changes or improvements you would like to measure? When creating your questions keep your goal in mind in order to get the best possible results. 

3. Timing is important

When sending your Text Survey out timing is crucial in order to have a high response rate. You need to think about your audience, who they are and therefore the time it will take to complete the survey. According to research the optimum times to send a short consumer surveys is on a Tuesday between 18:00 – 20:59. To send longer surveys its recommended they are distributed during Wednesday or Friday between 18:00 – 20:59.

4. Give them a Bonus!

Why not thank your customers for their time by offering them a reward. Before starting your questionnaire inform your customers of the reward they will receive in order to entice them into taking part!

5. Update your customers

If survey results lead to an improvement plan for your business, then a follow-up message informing your clients would be advantageous. You can send a bulk SMS message to your clients who took part in your survey to notify them of any changes. This will strengthen your customer relationship, as they will feel you have been listening and therefore value your company.

Contact us today for information and advice on text message marketing on 0845 122 1302 or email us at [email protected].

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