Growing your business with SMS: The playbook

Thanks to an unbeatable open rate (up to 98%) and real-time reach, SMS enables you to build long-lasting relationships with customers, ultimately helping you to grow your business. In our playbook, you’ll discover the top tips and tricks into getting the most out of SMS.

Explore our tips according to the objectives you want to achieve.

Boost opt-in

SMS might have an average open rate of up to 98% but to see engagement metrics as high as this, you’ll need to work on your opt-in strategy.

How to improve opt-in

Grow your contact list

Is your current database up to date? Are you providing them with value? Growing your subscriber list is crucial for SMS campaign success.

How to grow subscriber list

Write great SMS copy

Capture attention and drive actions with excellent SMS copy. With just 160 characters to play with, sharp, concise copy is key.

How to write great SMS copy

Improve conversion

While SMS is great for reaching customers where they already are, not all texts will lead to sales or actions. Here’s how to boost conversion.

How to improve conversion

Send at the right time

Great copy might catch attention and prompt action but it’s not the only thing that matters. Are you sending your SMS messages at the right time?

How to send at the right time

See SMS in action

From healthcare to retail and hospitality, promotional to transactional, SMS has many uses. Here are some of the most popular ways to use this channel.

How to use SMS

Use automation

Automation can help you save time and resources. Discover the benefits of automated SMS and how it can work for your business.

Use automation

Measure campaign ROI

The only way to see the value of your campaign is by tracking it and measuring its ROI. Learn more about the metrics you should track.

How to track ROI

Get inspiration

Coming up with campaign ideas is no easy feat. From campaign ideas to SMS templates, here are our real-world suggestions.

How to create the perfect campaign

Want to learn more about how to apply our SMS growth tips to your organisation?

Boost opt-in

Get the most of the 98% open rate when you’re speaking to people who actually want to hear from you.

Build an active recipient list.

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Simplify your opt-in process.

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Grow your contact list

From a clean database to valuable content, a subscriber list that’s always growing is key to campaign success.

Grow and improve your database.

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Use offers to grow your list.

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Leverage events to boost opt ins.

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Write great SMS copy

With just 160 characters per text to play with and eight seconds to capture attention, short, snappy copy is essential.

Ensure your copy is clear, concise and compelling.

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Use personalisation.

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Be engaging and create a sense of urgency.

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Improve conversion

Reaching your audience is the first step. The next step is convincing your recipient to take action.

Attract attention with eye-catching offers.

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Use the power of loyalty programmes.

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Accelerate response rates.

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Reduce appointment no-shows

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Convert inbound enquiries.

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Send at the right time

Great copy and relevant offers might catch attention and prompt action but sending at the right time also matters.

When is the right day?

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When is the right time?

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See SMS in action

How can mobile messaging be used for different industries? See a selection of our top industries here.


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Retail and ecommerce.

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Fitness and leisure.

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Transactional messages.

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Use automation

Save time and resources when you unlock the power of automation.

Know how it works and the benefits.

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Automate the right messages for maximum impact.

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Measure campaign ROI

See the value of your SMS efforts by setting goals, tracking specific metrics and measuring ROI.

Calculate your ROI.

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Use the right tracking tools.

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Continually boost your ROI.

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Get inspiration

It’s not easy to think of campaign ideas that capture attention and stand out from the crowd. Here’s where to find inspiration.

Find a reason to reach out.

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Write the perfect text message.

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Get started online now

Ready to apply our SMS growth tips to your organisation?

Take advantage of our years of expert SMS advice to add value, boost engagement and improve your ROI from your SMS campaigns.